

In 2022 the Town of Georgia at a Town Meeting voted by Australian ballot to change the position of Town Treasurer from an elected position to a position appointed by the Selectboard.  In July of 2023, the Selectboard appointed a Town Treasurer.



The Town Treasurer is responsible for collecting revenues for the Town and Georgia School District. The Treasurer keeps an account of all monies, bonds, notes, and evidence of debt paid or delivered to them and of funds paid out for the Town and the Town School District.

Accounts shall at all times be open for inspection by all interested parties. The Treasurer can invest monies received by the Town Treasurer for the Town with the approval of the Selectboard and the School Board. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate records to provide historical facts for budgetary purposes.



The Treasurer’s records are available for audit purposes at any time. The Town and School District are audited annually by an outside CPA firm.