Wastewater and Septic Information

wastewater regional map

Actions that need a WW Permit

Are you planning on subdividing your property; construct a new building; change the use of your existing building or house; or replace your water supply or septic system (wastewater system)? You may need a Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Permit (WW Permit). Actions that need a WW Permit include:

• the subdivision of a lot or lots;

• the construction of a new potable water supply or wastewater system;

• the modification or replacement of an existing potable water supply or wastewater system;

• the construction of a new building or structure;

• the modification of an existing building or structure in a manner that increases the design flow or modifies other operational requirements of a potable water supply or wastewater system;

• the connection of an existing potable water supply or wastewater system to a new or modified structure;

• the change of use of a building or structure in a manner that increases the design flow or modifies other operational requirements of a potable water supply or wastewater system including the conversion of a single-family residence from seasonal to year-round use;

• the creation of a campground;

• the modification of a campground, including the creation, modification or relocation of one or more individual campsites, in a manner that affects a potable water supply or wastewater system or the requirements for providing potable water and wastewater disposal;

• the use or operation of a failed potable water supply or failed wastewater system; or

• the commencement of construction of any of the above. For the purposes of this section, commencing construction means any work involving the physical construction or modification of a building or structure and its associated potable water supply or wastewater system including, but not limited to: foundation excavation; foundation or building construction; and site work that involves or may affect any portion of the existing or proposed potable water supply or wastewater system serving the project.

Note, adding a bedroom is considered an increase in the design flow will need a permit.


Vermont Wastewater Permit Search

Information for Landowners

Wastewater Systems and Potable Water Supplies