Tax Rates


The tax year is January 1 – December 31.  Tax rates for the Town of Georgia are typically set in August by the Selectboard.  Taxes are due on Monday, October 16, 2023, by delivery to the town hall postmarked on or before that date as approved by the voters of the Town of Georgia by Australian ballot at the Town Meeting on March 7, 2023.  Penalties, late fees, and interest are charged if the payment is missed.


An individual owner’s tax bill is calculated by multiplying the tax rate times the property’s assessed value. The Town Assessor determines the assessed value. 

The tax rate is expressed as a dollar figure per $100 of assessed value. For example, for a home assessed at  $280,000 in The Town of Georgia, the current tax bill for such a home would be $5,017.04, ($280,000 ÷ $100 = $1,800. Multiply $2,800 by the FY 2022-2023 tax rate of $1.7918 = $5,017.04). 


The tax rate for the fiscal year 2023-2024 is:


Residential:            $1.8917 per $100 worth of appraisal value.

Non -Residential:    $2.2016 per $100 worth of appraisal value.


Property assessed at $100,000 value

Tax calculation: $100,000/100= grand list value of $1,000

Residential: $1,000.00 x 1.8917 tax rate= $1,891.17 tax bill

Non-Residential: $1,000.00 x 2.2016 tax rate = $2,201.60 tax bill


More information:  Vermont Taxes