Zoning Information & Permits


The Zoning Administrator assists property owners in processing required permits, enforces violation of town Zoning Ordinances, and works with various Town Departments, Boards, and State Agencies.  The Zoning Administrator shall administer the bylaws literally and shall not have the power to permit any land development that is not in conformance with those bylaws.


The Town of Georgia's Development regulations include both the Town's zoning and subdivision regulations.  Zoning is a Town regulatory process concerned with land use and development.  Zoning subdivides a community into "districts" that define the use of land and placement, spacing, and size of structures and other factors specified in the bylaws related to public health, safety, or welfare of the Town.   

The department's mission is to help the town create and realize a vision for its future.  We want to ensure the appropriate use and techniques of land development through enforcement of the Development Regulations, and by facilitating the timely review of development applications by various agencies for certification and approval by the Zoning Administrator and the Development Review Board.  

  • The Town of Georgia has had Zoning Regulations since 1967 and Subdivision Regulations since 1983.
  • The DRB was adopted on 07/26/2021 and went into effect on 07/27/2021.  Conditional Use and other land development now go before the DRB. 

Specific questions or further clarification can be provided by the zoning [at] townofgeorgia.com (Zoning Administrator).



Information on a building project in the Town of Georgia is available in the town office and online at PROJECTS.  Online project information is available until completion of the project through a Certificate of Occupancy or the issuance of a final Decision by the Development Review Board.  Additional information on projects within the Town of Georgia is available through the Zoning Office.


Office Hours

The Zoning office is open Monday - Friday 8 am - 2 pm and by appointment from 2 pm - 4 pm

zoning chart