South Village


The south village area of Georgia is located near exit 18 of Interstate 89 with the intersection of Vermont Route 7 and Vermont Route 104A at its center.  Today, the area consists of commercial and residential development along Route 7 and 104A surrounded by high-density residential neighborhoods to the south and southwest and an industrial area to the east.  The south village area has good potential for development with access to the interstate, a shared border with Chittenden County, and few environmental limitations.  In response, it has been zoned for commercial, industrial, and high-density residential development since the 1970s.  As the area became developed over time, a vision for a Georgia south village was born.  The Planning Commission envisioned the area to include a mix of residences, businesses, professional services, light commercial, and public facilities among ample green space in a Vermont community-type setting.   It was not intended for the south village to replace or detract from the small, historic village of Georgia Center, but rather to complement and preserve it.  The Planning Commission intends to maintain the existing historic character of Georgia Center, which consists of low-density civic uses including the historical society, the elementary school, and the municipal offices, low-density residential uses, and one small market.  It is intended for the south village to include a higher concentration and intensity of development, while Georgia Center maintains its character with a small concentration of historic and civic uses.    

The Town of Georgia developed the concept of the south village area through many years of planning, beginning with the commissioning of a conceptual plan for the area (Georgia Village Plan: A Vision for the Future) completed in April 2003.  Following the conceptual plan, the Town commissioned a Historic Village and Town Center Water Supply and Wastewater Feasibility Study completed in May of 2005, which looked at decentralized and centralized feasibility for wastewater and water supply in Georgia Center and the South Village area.  And finally, the Town commissioned an economic feasibility study and master plan for the area, which was completed in 2006. 

This strategic plan was developed by the Georgia Planning Commission in 2008 and 2009 with input and support from landowners within the area, Georgia citizens, and members of other town boards and commissions.  The Planning Commission discussed the plan at regular meetings broadcasted on Channel 17 and held a public forum to gather input.  The strategic plan intends to define and give context to the south village area, synthesize existing plans and studies, provide guidance for design and site plan review, and outline projects and planning still needed.  In addition to being a resource for Planning Commissioners, Zoning Board Members, Selectboard members, and municipal staff, the Planning Commission hopes that the document will assist property owners and developers plan projects that further the goals for the area.     


Please feel free to reach out to the Zoning Administrator with any questions.